Diplomsko delo z naslovom Kolekcija oblačil z izhodiščem v LGBTQ+ skupnosti raziskuje avtorjevo lastno identiteto skozi omenjeno skupnost ter v povezavi z računalniškimi in konzolnimi igrami. Rezultat dela je kolekcija Gaymer, ki skuša povezati realni in imaginarni svet ter je sestavljena iz sedmih likov oz. avatarjev (Ptujsko dekle, Gašparina, Gapi, Slepa, Kitka Dinamitka, Šefica, Tiffany). Vsak od njih na humoren način izraža določene vizualne in osebnostne karakteristike avtorja v povezavi z občutenjem različnih ljubezni (do sebe, partnerja, družine …).
The graduate collection, entitled A Fashion Collection That Takes Inspiration from the LGBTQ+ Community, explores the author’s identity through the lens of queer culture in connection to computer and console video games. The result of the work is the Gaymer collection, which tries to intertwine the imaginary and real worlds and consists of seven characters or avatars (Ptujsko dekle, Gašparina, Gapi, Slepa, Kitka Dinamitka, Šefica, Tiffany). Each humorously expresses the author’s specific visual and personality characteristics in connection with the experience of different types of love (self-love, love for a partner, family, etc.).