Z vedno več občutka in želje po svobodnejšem, drznejšem in prostorsko obsežnejšem umetniškem izražanju svojih konceptov so se najprej urili v virtualnem naseljevanju po prostoru Male galerije. Njihova intuitivna tkanja, ki pa jih je vsekakor vodilo prodorno raziskovanje pomena in sporočilnosti prostorske tekstilije, so se počasi zapredla in se razraščala po tleh in kotih, se vila proti vrhu, zaobjela svetlobne žarke ter se nežno spuščala proti tlom, k zemlji. Nastala so pretkana drevesa, tkani organizmi, ki z nežnostjo beline in transparence subtilno naseljujejo galerijski prostor in vabijo obiskovalca v navidezni gozd.
With a growing sense of and desire for freer, more daring, and more expansive artistic expression of their concepts, they first practised in the virtual occupation of the Little Gallery space. Their intuitive weavings, which were driven by keen exploration of the meaning and communicativeness of spatial textiles, slowly entangled and spread across the ground and into the corners, reached for the ceiling, embraced the light shafts and gently fell towards the floor, to the earth. Woven organisms were born in the form of sly trees, whose soft whiteness and transparent forms have subtly taken possession of the gallery space, inviting the observer into what seems to be a forest.