Slikarski, predvsem pa grafični opus Vladimirja Lamuta, ki ga je v svoji zreli fazi usmeril k izvirnemu ustvarjanju abstraktne likovne umetnosti, je vsakega izmed devetnajstih študentov navdušil drugače, čeprav so vsi oblikovali na isto temo – ovratniki kot samostojni modni dodatki. Lamutove abstraktne likovne prvine so prenesli v značilnosti tekstilnih materialov, ki so jih oplemenitili z vezeninami in drugimi ročnimi tekstilnimi tehnikami, kot so kvačkanje, pletenje, prešivanje ali krpaž. Skupino ovratnikov pa so po Lamutovih motivih, ki so jih študenti poustvarili v svojih risbah, obogatile tudi klekljane čipke, virtuozno delo idrijskih čipkaric. Oblike ovratnikov so izpeljanke od klasičnih belih do nenavadnih prostorskih tvorb, ki lahko tudi precej spremenijo silhueto telesa, nosilca ovratnika. Tekstilni materiali, iz katerih so ovratniki narejeni, pa so naravni, večinoma vzeti iz najdenih ostankov ali starih oblačil in drugih tekstilnih izdelkov.
Vladimir Lamut’s painting and especially graphic oeuvre, in his mature phase, turned to the creation of abstract fine art, inspiring each of the nineteen students differently, even though they all designed on the same theme - collars as independent fashion accessories. They transferred Lamut’s abstract artistic elements to the characteristics of textile materials, which were dignified with embroideries and other hand-textile techniques such as crocheting, knitting, quilting or patchwork. A group of collars was enriched with Idrija lace, virtuously crafted by Idrija lacemakers and based on Lamut’s motifs that the students recreated in their drawings. The shapes of the collars are derivatives of classic white to unusual spatial formations, which can also significantly change the silhouette of the body of the wearer of the collar. The textile materials used for the collars are natural, mostly taken from found remnants or old clothes and other textile products.