Večdimenzionalnost tekstilnih vzorcev je nastala po predhodnem preučevanju sistemov teseliranih vzorcev Mauritsa Cornelisa Escherja, vsebinsko pa se nanaša na delo in miselnost slovenskega arhitekta Ivana Vurnika ter stare slovenske pregovore. S tem delo obuja in ohranja slovensko kulturno, arhitekturno in tekstilno dediščino. Rezultat raziskovanja je serija vzorcev, grafik in tekstilnih slik, ki imajo eksperimentalni značaj in so nastale z uporabo raznolikih tekstilnih tehnik, od digitalne, sitotiska in vezenine do žakarja.
The multidimensionality of the textile patterns was created after a preliminary study of Maurits Cornelis Escher’s tessellation patterns. At the same time, the content refers to the legacy, work and vision of the Slovenian architect Ivan Vurnik and old Slovenian proverbs. In doing so, the work revives and preserves Slovenian cultural, architectural and textile heritage. The research results in a series of patterns, graphics and textile images that have an experimental character and were created using various textile techniques, from digital, screen printing and embroidery to jacquard.