Digitalna orodja ponujajo nove, inovativne in kreativne pristope k oblikovanju tekstilij in oblačil ter tvorjenju širših narativov blagovnih znamk. Erasmus+ projekt Me-You-Us, ki se osredotoča na razvijanje digitalnih 3D kompetenc na področju oblikovanja tekstilij in oblačil, vzpostavlja triletno sodelovanje med tremi visokošolskimi institucijami: Design School Kolding iz Danske, Willem de Kooning Academy iz Nizozemske in Univerzo v Ljubljani. Cilj projekta je razviti izobraževalne module s področja oblikovanja tekstilij in oblačil, ki bodo vključevali različna digitalna orodja, med drugim tudi CLO3D, in bodo odprtokodni. Namenjeni bodo mentorjem, študentom ter drugim zainteresiranim.
Digital tools offer new, innovative and creative approaches to textile and clothing design and the creation of broader brand narratives. The Erasmus+ project Me-You-Us, which focuses on the development of digital 3D competencies in the field of textile and clothing design, establishes a three-year collaboration between three higher education institutions: Design School Kolding from Denmark, Willem de Kooning Academy from the Netherlands and the University of Ljubljana. The project’s goal is to develop educational modules in textile and clothing design, which will include various digital tools, such as CLO3D, and will be open source. They will be intended for fashion educators, students and other interested individuals.