Končni rezultat dvoletnega nastajanja je tapiserija, ki se lahko bere na več različnih načinov, saj ima lahko vsak od upodobljenih likov vrsto interpretacij. Kljub variacijam pomena pa ima končno sporočilo vedno rdečo nit: za obstoj kulture, umetnosti, jezika in družbe moramo venomer vztrajno delati, paziti na dostojanstvo sebe in ljudi okoli nas ter spoštovati prostor, v katerem bivamo.
The result of the two-year creation is a tapestry that can be read in several different ways, as each depicted character can have a range of interpretations. Despite the variations in meaning, the final message always has a common thread: we must constantly work for the existence of culture, art, language and society; we must pay attention to the self-dignity and dignity of others, and we must respect the space in which we live.