Delo Umazani posli naslavlja temeljno neenakost, utelešeno v določenih predmetih, ki so identitetno močno zaznamovani s spolom, razredno in nacionalno pripadnostjo, tako da združuje svet čistilcev umazanije s prejemniki čistoče. Proizvedeni predmeti so hkrati čisti in umazani, skromni in dragoceni, lepi in grdi, udobni in surovi. Izdelki nagovarjajo notranjo tenzijo med tekstilnim elementom (predstavnikom dekorativnega, neoporečnega, statusnega, razkošnega, udobnega, prefinjenega) in lesenim ogrodjem (predstavnikom konstruktivnega, togega, grobega, primarnega, vsakdanjega, klenega).
The work Dirty Business addresses fundamental inequality embodied in certain objects strongly marked by gender, class, and national identity by combining the world of dirt cleaners with the recipients of cleanliness. The produced objects are simultaneously clean and dirty, modest and precious, beautiful and ugly, comfortable and rough. The products address the internal tension between the textile element (the decorative, flawless, status-oriented, luxurious, comfortable and refined) and the wooden framework (the constructive, rigid, coarse, primary, ordinary and sturdy).