Prva izdaja te pravljice (1979), ki je bila kasneje še večkrat ponatisnjena, je ilustrirana v specifičnem prepoznavnem stilu (ilustratorka Roža Piščanec), katerega podobe so se usidrale v podzavest celih generacij otrok, vključno z avtorjem, ki posledično v svoji kolekciji izpostavlja minimalistično estetiko, otroško preprostost in belino sveže, nove srajčice.
The first edition of this fairy tale (1979), later reprinted several times, is illustrated in a specific and recognisable style (illustrator Roža Piščanec). These images have been anchored in the subconscious of entire generations of children, including the author’s subconscious, who consequently, in his collection, emphasises minimalistic aesthetics, childlike simplicity and the whiteness of a fresh, new shirt.