Možne meje združevanja keramike in pletiva so se po lupinastih formah instalacije Mesto: tu sem nadaljevale v smeri uporabne unikatne keramike, kjer pletivo ostaja zapisano v kermičnem ovoju. Pletivo, ki s svojo mehkobo izpodbija načela togosti in trdote keramike, postane ujeto v trenutku. Nastala je serija unikatnih keramičnih izdelkov, krožnikov, skled in skledic.
The possible limits of combining ceramics and fabric as the shell-like forms of the installation City: I Am Here moved in the direction of functional, unique ceramics, where the fabric remains inscribed in the ceramic shell. The fabric, which, with its softness, challenges the principles of rigidity and hardness of ceramics, becomes captured in the moment. A series of unique ceramic products, plates and bowls was created.