Ljudje so si jih dotikali, jih oblekli, božali ali samo govorili o njih. Ker je želela nasloviti čim večjo množico, se je odločila projekt zasnovati kot kampanjo. V svojem delu izpostavlja pomembnost življenjskega cikla, nastajanja in minevanja. V nadaljevanju so se rastline na živih oblačilih posušile. Ko bodo živa oblačila v svojem življenjskem ciklu bila razgrajena pod zemljo, bodo nudila prostor novemu življenju.
People touched them, put them on, stroked them or just talked about them. The author wanted to reach a larger audience, so she conceptualised the project as a campaign.
In her work, she emphasises the importance of the cycle of life, emerging and passing. Subsequently, the plants on living clothes dried. When the living clothes reached the end of their life cycle and decomposed underground, they gave way to new life.