V prvem s tehniko tkanja in uporabo tekstilnih prej, žice in mavca ustvari tekstilni objekt, ki ga s telesnim stikom tekom kratkega performansa preoblikuje in preoblikovano obliko umesti v razstavo. V drugem podprojektu se usmeri v konceptualni vidik uporabljenega tekstilnega objekta, ki tekom raziskovanja degradira do te mere, da iz njega tekstil izgine in nam služi le kot orodje asociacije, ki vodi gibanje v plesno-performativni predstavi.
In the first, a textile object is made using a weaving technique and different kinds of threads, wires, with the addition of plaster. With the body’s weight and use of different kinds of moves, she transforms the primary shape of the textile object and the resulting shape is later placed in a gallery space. In the second subproject, the stress is on the conceptual use of a textile object.